Just as so many in the blog world criticize centrist Democrats for blowing opportunities, I have to criticize Kos' appearance on the Colbert Report last night. (Now up on Crooks & Liars)
On the teevee, he comes across as a really bright, charming, nice guy who is the antithesis of a Ken Mehlman - sleaze-free, open and honest.
So why does he have to dump on Democrats? He argues that the party's leadership is incompetent and incapable. Isn't that the frame in which we want to hang Bush?
Why does need to say that he doubts we'll make much headway in the Congressional elections this year?
Why does he focus on how the 'Democrats lose year after year'? Gore did not lose the popular vote, and even Kerry did pretty well against a 'war-time' incumbent. Even if this were not true, why would you emphasize your failings 6 months before an election?
It would seem that Kos is personally quite ambitious. Great. I have no problem with that. I just hope that he isn't trying to promote himself at the expense of actually putting Democrats in office.