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« Dividing: "United 93" | Main | 1960's »

April 28, 2006


You are truly pathetic. Its people like you that will cost us our country. When the enemy comes in like a flood due to the lack of resistance fostered by traitors like you, I hope the first place they start cleaning house is with people like you.


Why do you think that? Who are people like me?

Ivan Moore

The commentor is the pathetic one. I'm not sure how making use of your first ammendment right to point out differing stances on a MOVIE will cost us our country.

This was a very well written piece that points out one of the many problems with our society. I loved United 93. I loved that it was non-political. It didn't take sides, other then what sides we as the viewers placed on the people on the screen. It's frustrating to see people use this movie to do anything other then to honor those on that flight who fought back. Oh well...


Many thanks for your comment Ivan. It really is frustrating, and I think harmful to us as a people, that everything is used to divide us.

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