It's depressing, yet fascinating, to watch the Right praise "United 93" while they politicize 9/11 and denounce the goal that the writer/director had for his film. As I posted yesterday, the director's hope that the movie could be a uniting force is being destroyed by right wing bloggers.
One of the themes running through right-wing blogs is their pleasure that the movie was not made by a guy with "guts", and not some liberal type.
"This is no PC film crafted by moral relativists in Malibu" (national review)
"I thank God that director Paul Greeengrass and Universal Pictures have the guts to show some of out American heroes during the hours of our nation's darkest day." (gaypatriot)
"This movie is not PC. It sticks to the story as it happened." "Perhaps that is why the hijab-wearing woman I saw and her Muslim male companion walked out of the film with big frowns on their faces. I think they wanted this film to make the hijackers Samoans or Icelanders." (debbieschlussel) [I'm surprised at the implication here -that good American Christians came out of the movie smiling??]
For the record at least two of Greengrass's previous films were on subjects that are "liberal" and he calls the war in Iraq "the most calamitous decision of our generation."
But the right likes his film, so he can't be a "leftie." They have to create their own reality.
One of the reasons that they like the movie is because they believe it shows how evil our "enemy is - and thus it justifies the war in Iraq and our courageous President.
"I suspect others though would just as soon the rest of us not remind ourselves of why we're angry." (daveintexas)
"The only people likely to object to this film are those who don't want Americans to become aware of just how conscienceless,cruel and depraved our enemy is." (dennisprager, quoted in new republic)
Somehow, this movie, released by Universal, also proves how horrible Hollywood is.
"if Americans are interested in seeing more flag-waving films and less Oliver Stones, they would be wise" to see the movie... "ever since Vietnam, Hollywood has tried to make America bashing cool." (OPFOR)
"The Democrat Party and their collaborateurs at the TV network news divisions have tried to bleach from our memories those horrific images of 9/11/2001."(gaypatriot)
Many of the wing nuts like to express their outrage at the N.Y. movie theater which stopped showing the preview, after some customers were in tears and complained that it was too soon, too painful to watch. But they know that the movie is late if anything, and they know who must see it.
"the crowd whined, "Too Soon!" (debbieschlussel)
The movie must be seen by "Assorted ACLU-style lawyers and activists" (schlussel)
"Teenagers and older children in particular should see this film..."Young Americans need to know the nature of whom we are fighting." (schlussel)
A commenter at Schlussel "The only ones screaming; "Too Soon" are LIBERALS (who want to see America destroyed), and the Muzlum propagandists"
GayPatriot "How dare we offend Upper West Side sensibilities! " by showing this movie.
The right's reaction to the film shows the ownership that they believe they have of 9/11. So what if the majority of the deaths occurred in Blue New York? Flight 93 was going between a New York suburb and San Francisco: how blue can you get.
In the end Greengrass failed at making a film that United us - the right's need to politicize our national tragedy makes that impossible.
You are truly pathetic. Its people like you that will cost us our country. When the enemy comes in like a flood due to the lack of resistance fostered by traitors like you, I hope the first place they start cleaning house is with people like you.
Posted by: | April 29, 2006 at 12:11 PM
Why do you think that? Who are people like me?
Posted by: bbbustard | April 30, 2006 at 08:22 PM
The commentor is the pathetic one. I'm not sure how making use of your first ammendment right to point out differing stances on a MOVIE will cost us our country.
This was a very well written piece that points out one of the many problems with our society. I loved United 93. I loved that it was non-political. It didn't take sides, other then what sides we as the viewers placed on the people on the screen. It's frustrating to see people use this movie to do anything other then to honor those on that flight who fought back. Oh well...
Posted by: Ivan Moore | May 01, 2006 at 01:20 PM
Many thanks for your comment Ivan. It really is frustrating, and I think harmful to us as a people, that everything is used to divide us.
Posted by: bbbustard | May 03, 2006 at 03:01 PM