I have often pointed out fallacies and flaws in op-ed pieces penned by John Tierney. I would be grossly remiss not to mention those times when he gets it right.
In yesterday's NY Times he contributed a piece called "Border of Insanity," in which he provided the transcript of Lou Dobbs' recent depiction of a visit he made to the border-proof North Korea. I didn't think it hilarious, but I do have to give Tierney credit for showing just how absurd are many of the anti-immigrant positions. It was well done.
Tierney is usually far to the right of my position on many issues, and it hurts to have to praise his article, and to condemn the one by Thomas Friedman today. For reasons absolutely beyond me, Friedman is often described as a liberal. But it is the pre-cosmetic-work Joe Klein kind of liberalism, and it doesn't represent me at all.
Pompous as always, Friedman voices his support for the great wonders good immigrants can offer us, and yet, at the same time, he sees the real need for strong borders. An amazing intellect. Oh yes, and the world is getting flatter. But it is still very,very complicated.
I do have two questions for Mr. Friedman:
- Why does he select CNN to condemn as being a shameful demagogue? Did he not realize that FOX has been at least as bad? Michelle Malkin on O'Reilly knows that "the vast majority of mainstream Hispanic politicians believe that the American Southwest belongs to Mexico." (even O'Reilly was tempted her to question her on those "facts") John Gibson says it's all about "reconquista," while Brit Hume found the demonstrations in L.A. "a repellent spectacle." Dobbs at least was consistent in saying he didn't approve of the Mexican flag at the protest, but nor does he like Irish flags on St Patrick's day. Why is it that a Friedman will strongly condemn CNN, which admittedly has few redeeming features, but ignores FOX, which has none?
- There are lots of plans out there that involve financial penalties for the immigrant. Friedman prefers the one presented by Sen. Specter, and it does seem less onerous than some of the others. Yet I have read nothing of the fines to be imposed on the illegal employer of that illegal immigrant. Similarly, a lot of people want the immigrant to pay back taxes, which at their pay level mostly involves FICA taxes. Who is calling for the illegal employer to pay his portion of FICA?
'Tis a sad, sad day for a good liberal when he has to pick the tyranny of a right-wing Tierney over the illusive freedom of an alledgedly left-leaning liberal like Friedman.