This is one of those matching games - you know, match the Republican/Conservative Bush supporter with the corresponding statement ascribed to them. You can e-mail your answers to me, or leave them as a comment, and I'll get back to you with your score. (I will be adding the corresponding links tomorrow 3/24/06)
The speakers are:
1. Paul O'Neil, Former Secretary of the Treasury, under George H. Bush
2. William F. Buckley, Jr.,Columnist, Founder of The National Review
3. Andrew Sullivan,Conservative Blogger with Time Magazine.
4. George F. Will, Op-Ed Columnist, THe Washington Post.
5. Francis Fukuyama, a neo-con, Teaches at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University.
6. Bruce Bartlett, Author, Served in the Treasury Department of Regan and Bush I
7. John DiIulio, Former Director of Faith Based Initiatives for George W. Bush
8. Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE)
9. Bill Kristol, Editor of The Weekly Standard, Fox News Commentator
10.Pat Buchanan, Editor "The American Conservative," TV-Pundit
11. James Bovard, Pundit, Neo-Con, Writer at The American Conservative
And the Statements Are:
A: On the lack of serious analysis in the administration, he described the development of policy initiatives as "born from a kind of immaculate conception, with no mother or father to claim parentage."
B: The invasion of Iraq was "the greatest strategic blunder in 40 years."
C: "One can't doubt that the American objective in Iraq has failed."
D: "Bureaucratic tribalism... rose to poisonous levels in Bush's first term. Team loyalty trumped open-minded discussion."
E: We handed over sovereignty and since then the death of U.S. troops is up by a third. In February production of electricity hit a three year low. "This is not working."
F: In Bush's White House "I heard many, many staff discussions, but not three meaningful, substantive policy discussions."
G: "we have the most powerful vice president in American history ... someone full of venom for critics and anyone who does not support his warmongering."
H: "it's a fundamentalist church with some huge bribes for business interests on the side, leveraged by massive debts. So all criticism is disloyalty; and disloyalty is heresy. The facts don't matter. Obey the pastor. Or be damned."
I: "I think our involvement there has destabilized the Middle East. And the longer we stay there, I think the further destabilization will occur."
J: In meetings, Bush "was like a blind man in a roomful of deaf people. There is no discernible connection."
K: "we have not had a serious three-year effort to fight a war in Iraq."
Good Luck! (And the winner gets a selection of anti-Bush campaign buttons)