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« Dick Cheney: Ice Man | Main | Bush vs. Carter »

March 25, 2006


Sean Gleeson

Didja notice, he specifically apologized to the writers whose work he cribbed, and to the editors who had trusted him, and to his friends over at RedState... but not to his readers! If it was me, I would have also apologized to the readers who were deceived. They perhaps aren't the most wronged parties, but they do outnumber the other victims.


Welcome Back Sean - you're absolutely right! But the thing that drives me craziest is all the love and supports he gets for basically being dishonest. It's like Charles Manson saying he wants to apologize for any murder.
Great to See Ya!

Sean Gleeson

Far be it from me to criticize anyone for love. But I do agree with you about the "supports."

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