Glenn Greenwald is announcing that new polling shows that the American public is in favor of censure. I certainly hope he is correct, and that other polls confirm this.
He also is quite pleased that Digby "decimates" those who are concerned that "Feingold's censure resolution might be politically harmful."
What neither of them manage to demolish is how this incident sheds light on the poor judgment and arrogance of Russ Feingold. The Senator seems to have successfully learned his coaliton building skills from George W. Bush - go ahead and toss the bomb: who cares if you put potential allies in really awkward positions?
They both intimate that Feingold's failure to advise his colleagues before dropping his little bombshell was because he did not think they were brave enough to support him. Yesterday Glenn was very vocal on the need to act whether victory was assured or not. Todays he seems to approve of Feingold's failure to caucus with his fellow Democrats - fearful that his effort might fail.
Digby can "see why they (fellow Dems) are angry about it. They were caught short... Planning is great, but you can't always control events." But this wasn't an act of God; It wasn't one of those myriad of events Bush was unable to predict. Feingold carefully plotted out this scheme, and there was no excuse for treating his fellow Dem this way.
Whether or not the censure tactic is ultimately successful, we have learned another lesson in how we lose elections. When the only strength the Republicans still seem to have in the perception of voters is their 'courage'; it's really helpful to have Democrats attacking Democrats, calling them spineless and cowardly. The utter lack of discipline that allows Glenn to attack and defame fellow Democrats does not bode well for the mid-term elections.
I find it really ironic that you've written posts now on two consecutive days criticizing me. Today, your post also criticizes Digby and Russ Feingold.
And yet, on both days, your criticism has been based on the premise that it's a bad thing for people on the same political side politically to criticize one another. I trust you see the irony in that.
Posted by: Glenn Greenwald | March 16, 2006 at 07:27 PM