The hunger on the part of right wing blogs for lying and smearing is insatiable. It's instructive as well as shocking and depressing to examine the constant manufacture of outrage in which they engage.
A Mr. Darrow Boggiano has called for a demonstration to take over the White House. He wants to form a new political party to overthrow President Bush. He clearly wants "to create OUR PARTY."
By the time they get finished the Michelle Malkin gang has decided that Mr Boggiano is actually Teresa Heinz Kerry after her sex change.
All Things Bright and Beautiful quoted the guy's harangue at length, and then briefly characterized and linked to her team-mates, all of whom blatantly lie.
Wizbang says "I wonder if the CIA and NSA realize they are listed as sponsors of this event." But that isn't what the guy wrote. He said "We are requesting participation from all member of..."
Strata entitled his piece "What Democrats Want". "The Anchoress follows the dem's path of destruction" is how her essay was assessed. Yet in his call for action, Boggiano specifically said he wanted a new party. There is no link whatsoever between his 'group' and the Democratic Party.
It gets even more specific. The Captains Quarters lies about who is organizing the event by writing "the rally being organized by the group United for Peace and Justice." Except they are not the organizers. It is organized by Boggiano's "group": UFPJ does list the event on the calendar - but they explicitly state "Every event or idea on the site are not necessarily endorsed by members of United for Peace and Justice." Not only are they not organizing the event, they are not even endorsing it!
Taking it to the next level is TheConfederateYankee.who writes that "SweetnessandLight notes UFPJ is a Teresa Heinz Kerry supported organization calling for the illegal overthrow of the duly-elected government." But Mrs Heinz Kerry has never given a penney to UFPJ, who is not orgainzing the event.
The lie about her donating money to the group was created during the 2004 election. It was thoroughly disproved at the time.
Their smear machine never stops. Did I tell you that Laura Bush is actually the illegitimate daughter of Adolf Hitler?
I am glad you have a sense of humor. Good to see you.
Best from Norma Desmond
Posted by: Alexandra | February 28, 2006 at 01:41 AM
>>Wizbang says "I wonder if the CIA and NSA realize they are listed as sponsors of this event." But that isn't what the guy wrote. He said "We are requesting participation from all member of..."
And the guy wrote it right under the heading "Sponsored by:", which you conveniently ignored. They clearly wanted it to appear like they're being sponsored.
Posted by: Doug Payton | February 28, 2006 at 09:53 AM
Thanks for your comment Mr. Dayton. I was not trying to defend the deceptions by Boggiano, who is so fringe as to be insignicant. Rather, I was pointing out the deceptions by Wizbang, who I think has a little more influence. The author at Wizbang was wrote a misleading post.
Posted by: bbbustard | February 28, 2006 at 05:12 PM
Thanks for your comment and for understanding my "humor" Alexandra. If you spend a lot of time examining politics in the U.S. these days without a sense of humor, you'll be as gaga as Miss Desmond in no time.
Posted by: bbbustard | February 28, 2006 at 05:27 PM
Cool runnings BB. You are absolutely right.
Posted by: Alexandra | February 28, 2006 at 05:42 PM