In today's WaPo, Charles Krauthammer writes complete Bull Shit.
"Democrats loudly denounce any thought of racial profiling. But when
that same Arab, attired in business suit and MBA, and with a good
record of running ports in 15 countries, buys P&O, Democrats howl
at the very idea of allowing Arabs to run our ports. (Republicans are
howling, too, but they don't grandstand on the issue of racial
He essentially takes the same position that Tom Friedman in today's Times: that to question the right of an Arab to take control of port operations is to question the right of any Arab to take control.
Al Qaeda has no problem distinguishing between Muslim nations. They have set off no bombs in Dubai. They have bombed Jordan and Egypt. Al Qaeda has attacked targets in Morocco, Tunisia, and Saudi Arabia. It has hit no targets in Dubai. Clearly, Al Qaeda sees differences between Dubai and many other Arab and Muslim nations.
For the administration and it's supporters to describe opposition to Shaikh Mohammed operating our ports as racism or profiling is false. It is also incredibly racist and stupid. For it is the administration that is saying that Shaikh Mohammed is representative of all Muslims. It is the administration who have turned this into a issue of race - and thus offensive to many Muslims around the world.
Shaikh Mohammed also can make distinctions between Muslims. As I have mentioned here and here, Dubai has been categorized as a "Tier III" level trafficker of humans by the State Department. (This is the worst level) When Dubai abducts children into slavery to be camel jockeys - it does not enslave it's own children. It can tell the difference. So it is to Pakistan that "400 underage boys" were repatriated in 2004.(Human Rights Report)
No, it is Bush who thinks a billionaire despot is the only type of Arab with whom to do business.
Right, Bustard. Odd, isn't it? We're asking a government that cannot or will not close its borders to human trafficking to guard our ports against terrorists. Objections to the Dubai deal have nothing to do with racial profiling and everything to do with our moral values and our safety. P.S. One of the UAE oligarchs gave one million dollars to the Bush presidential library. Bush makes deals with those who pander to him and his family. Now that's profiling!
Posted by: sisterblog | February 25, 2006 at 06:59 PM