AOL is reporting on a speech Alberto Gonzalez gave today in which he complained that critics of the President's illegal wiretapping program were misleading the public.
This - from the most misleadingest Administration ever.
AOL is conducting a poll about misleading. They ask if you trust the Media to report accurately on this issue. 58% Said No, 42% Yes. Then they asked whether you can trust the Bush administration to make accurate statements about it: 73% said no, and only 27% thought that you could trust this administration.
They report that "Gonzales cautioned his listeners about critics and journalists who have mischaracterized details about the program. "Unfortunately, they have caused concern over the potential breadth of what the President has actually authorized," he said."
The administration, not its critics, has been completely inconsistent and misleading as to the breadth of this program from Day 1. When they think it helps their cause they describe it as very small and focused, and the next day they defend their breaking the law because of the volume of work involved.