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« Media Swallows More Right-Wing Swill. Burps Happily | Main | Malicious Malkin »

January 13, 2006




Where did you come up with those "five arguements"? I have to wonder if you read the article. And what's with slamming him because of his name? Are you going to suggest that he's also "one of them dirty Jew bastards" because of his name?

How can you be so comfortable in your 9/10 world?


Thanks for the loyal comments.
I saw some parallels between the Jonah of the Bible and the one at the Corner. Where do you get off with that being similar to calling him "one of them dirty Jew bastards?"
Of course I read the article. The five arguments I listed are the ones that Jonah makes in the article. If you think I'm wrong, please tell me what are the arguments he uses to reach his conclusion.
I don't live in the 9/10 world, nor the 9/12 world. I actually live in the real world, not some distorted Potemkin Village designed by Karl Rove in order to keep power.

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