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January 16/2006 about 9:30 A.M.
This shot is taken from the southern end of the park, looking south-east across Broadway and 14th St. The hieroglyphics on the building are reflections.
I am hopeful that today a lot of people reflected on Martin Luther King, Jr - his wisdom, courage and his willingness to fight the greed and dishonesty of the conservatives of his day. I was lucky enough to hear his "I Have A Dream" speech on the Mall in Washington, and I have not forgotten. He is still speaking to me. "Conservatives" like J. Edgar Hoover, George Wallace and Bull Connor have long been denounced, and are now only mentioned with disgust.
What about the racism of Rober "Sheets" Byrd who led an 83 day filibuster against the Civil Rights Act?
What about Albert Gore, Sr. who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
What about Jesse Jackson who has a history of using anti-Semitic slurs and derogatorily calling New York City “Hymietown.”
What about Al Sharpton who incited a 1995 protest of a Jewish owned store in Harlem where protesters used several anti-semetic slurs. During the protests, a Sharpton lieutenant called the store's owner a "bloodsucker" and declared an intent to "loot the Jews." A member of the protest mob later set fire to the store, resulting in the death of seven.
What about Dick Gephardt, who gave several speeches to a St. Louis area hate group during his early years as a representative. According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Gephardt spoke before the Metro South Citizens Council, a now defunct white supremacist organization, during his early years as a congressman. further reported that Gephardt had openly asked the group for an endorsement of his candidacy during one of his many visits with the organization. Gephardt has long avoided questions about his past affiliation with this group.
Posted by: Queer Conservative | January 16, 2006 at 07:01 PM
What about former Democrat State Representative Billy McKinney of Georgia, who is also the father of former Democrat congresswoman Cynthia McKinney of the same state. During his daughter's failed 2002 reelection bid, McKinney appeared on television where he blamed his daughter's difficulties on a Jewish conspiracy. McKinney unleashed a string of anti-semitic sentiments, stating "This is all about the Jews" and spelling out "J-E-W-S." McKinney lost his own seat in a runoff a few weeks later.
Posted by: Queer Conservative | January 16, 2006 at 07:03 PM
Democrat Senators organized the record Senate filibuster of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Included among the organizers were several prominent and well known liberal Democrat standard bearers including:
- Robert Byrd, current senator from West Virginia
- J. William Fulbright, Arkansas senator and political mentor of Bill Clinton
- Albert Gore Sr., Tennessee senator, father and political mentor of Al Gore. Gore Jr. has been known to lie about his father's opposition to the Civil Rights Act.
- Sam Ervin, North Carolina senator of Watergate hearings fame
- Richard Russell, famed Georgia senator and later President Pro Tempore
Posted by: Queer Conservative | January 16, 2006 at 07:04 PM
The Democrats hands are just as dirty as anyone elses when it comes to racism. I wouldn't be so one-sided in my characterizations if I were you.
Posted by: Queer Conservative | January 16, 2006 at 07:06 PM
That you apparently believe that conservatives have the market cornered on racism, and that the late Rev King battled conservatives like the windmills of Cervantes, is evidence of fundamental flaws in your thinking. If you are old enough to have caught the reverand's speeches, and have not discovered truth to this point, then you are likely doomed to an "Alice in Wonderland" continued existance.
Posted by: rick | January 17, 2006 at 09:39 AM
Hey - Thanks for your 'enthusiastic' comments and I'm sorry that I did not respond today. But I think you've hit on some important misconceptions that deserve more than an offhand response. I should be able to get back to you tomorrow.
Posted by: bbbustard | January 17, 2006 at 08:30 PM