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« Googling Michelle | Main | Tierney: Callous »

January 27, 2006



The idea that it is damaging to our standard of healthcare if we prosecute doctors who are abusing their position and feeding life-threatening addictions for personal gain is utterly ridiculous. It is not unlike the popular republican notion that any type of regulation hurts business and weakens our economy and has equally disastrous results. Doctors are entrusted with taking care of the sick amongst us and this trust is not given blindly. When a few are abusing that trust it is in the best interest of both other doctors and the public that they be called to account for that.


I suggest that you all review the record related to the Dr. Rottschaefer case. The witness that John Tierney refers to is not the only one with issues. The prosecution granted deals to three of the five witnesses who testified. These individuals all had other offenses unrelated to the doctor. As for the remaining two witnesses, their credibility is seriously in question.

I think the issue her is that after the prosecution was given mounds of evidence hand written in the witness's own writing that she planned and did committ well over 20 counts of perjury, the prosecution has refused to take action.

Whether or not you agree the Dr. is innocent is illrelevant at this point. The concern is that the prosecutor's process is flawed and they are taking no action to resolve it. How do we know that this issue is not isolated to Dr. Rottschaefer's case? How do we know that similiar issues are not continuing in present cases?

We don't. An investigation is warranted.


In relation to documentary evidence at Dr. Rottschaefer's trial. None was presented. The evidence was circumstantial and relied on the testimony of five witness's paid for through deals, a dea agent who attempted to give medical opinions, and a physician who diagnosed the patients through reviewing the prosecution's amended medical charts (that's right the physician never met with the patients). To add to this travesty, the DEA had an informant within the doctor's office for over three years and no evidence that sex occured ever surfaced.

John Syckes

You overlooked the point that John Tierney's article covered two not one of the prosecutions witnesses. The full article noted that "One of the other witnesses, who testified in salacious detail about having oral sex with the doctor, was unable to say whether he was circumcised."


Thanks for the comments. My point is really that there is no big war on doctors. Deadantstomp was completely right in my opinion. There are Docs who abuse their position - they should be prosecuted. Possibly Rottschaefer is a bad example. Maybe he should not have been prosecuted. Maybe he's innocent. I am not arguing that our system of justice is perfect. Thanks to John Syckes about the second prosecution witness mentioned by Tierney. Actually Tierney is not all that clear that it is a separate witness, but the link provided by Syckes is. Of course the link is to an advocacy group allied with Tierney. And the group is questioning the description of a penis by an admitted drug addict more than three years after having dealt with it. Some addicts stumble when asked their address of three years ago.
I am sorry that I am not as familiar with the case as nightflyer - but when he says the evidence was circumstantial, I think that he's saying it's was based on documentary evidence. Although I can't buy all of his arguments, I have no problem with the conclusion that an investigation is warranted.
My difficulty was in the sloppy description of the case by Tierney, and his assertion that it was part of a "war on Doctors"

jim johnson


The evidence presented in the case was simply he said she said. Except for the doctor's medical records which the prosecution miscontrued, there was no factual information.

"I have no problem with the conclusion that an investigation is warranted"

Exactly when would an investigation be warranted in your opinion? This witness wrote over a two year period how she planned and did committ perjury on 20 occasions. The investigators either looked the other way, were too incompetent to catch this person, or were in league with her. How many other investigations have these people messed up in this manner? In order to re-establish the credibility of the Western District of PA's operations, an investigation should be carried out.

"I am sorry that I am not as familiar with the case" Then why did you chose to comment with such an uninformed opinion.


I would like to say that I am surprised at your stubborn obtuseness. My opinion as to the merits of the case might be uninformed - I have not seen all of the evidence, nor was I in the courtroom during the trial. I am thus not in a position to come to a conclusion as to the honesty of witnesses. That, of course, is why we have a jury system - to try to solve the riddle of a "they said" - "he said" argument.To suggest that the prosecution "misconstrued" the documentary evidence is just silly. Was there no judge? Was there no defense attorney? Was the jury not allowed to look at the documents?
The actual opinion that I expressed, which was about Tierney's reporting, is not uninformed. He did a lousy job. Whether or not there is a problem with this case does not prove that there is a "war on doctors."
Although the oddly passionate, and entirely undocumented, comments here make me feel that there may be a war on truth. Would it hurt you to link to something which proves 20 instances of perjury?

Dear Sir,

I have lnked to the apeals documentation that is available on the web. It was on the web page that you characterized as bias. Also, you may seek the public record of the appeal which includes the 20 counts documented.

I've read the comments noted throughout your blog by others. All these comments are documented within the court testimony and the investigator's notes that did not make it into the court testimony.

Please do your research and stop attacking others that do theirs.

jim johnson

Read the supplemental appeal. It includes in detail the instances of perjury committed by the prosecution's witness.


Thanks for advising me about the links - it sure does seem that she committed perjury. I am curious as to why so much emphasis is placed on a drug addict's inability to remember whether or not the Doctor was circumsized three years later. I have not read the original testimony, but I am puzzled that so many of the statements by Dr Clough were seemingly so wrong. Why wasn't any of it noted at the trial? But these points are just things about which I am curious.
I have no problem with a new trial, or a new investigation for the doctor.
I still have a problem with Tierney's piece. There is no evidence that there is a war on drugs. If Tierney has in fact actually read the testimony, why does he not say so? His conclusion as to the parallell nature of the doctor not being able to tell that he was dealing with 4 drug addicts, to the agent's failure to catch one of them in perjury is ridiculous. Tierney does recognize that Doctors can do tests, but thinks it outrageous to expect them to do so. What I read in the links, left a lot of open questions about the case. So how come Tierney has none?

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