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« The Grover Pees on The Bush | Main | W.T.F.???? »

January 19, 2006



Ok, we'll assume Ms. Harris is fine with Kathleen. A very nice name also. She suppressed the black vote in 2000?
I'm begging you. Continue to believe that All Gore won the presidency and that Ms. Harris suppressed the vote. I do not ask you to prove this to be true, I only ask that you continue to believe it.

Queer Conservative

No need to be bothered by any facts right? Just as long as you "believe" it be true. "Feelings" are just as good as facts right? No need for "proof" right? Get real dickwad.


Once again you prove yourself to be one of the biggest liberal jizz swallowers I've ever encountered.

I agree. Keep believing in the supposedly oppressed black voters that nobody could produce.


Thanks for correcting my mistake about Ms Harris. I'm also glad that there was nothing of substance that you found wrong.


I brought to your attention the first name of Ms. Harris. That's okay. Not looking for any kind of credit.
You say that Ms. Harris suppressed the vote as if it were a truth. There is no evidence that it ever occurred either in Florida or in Ohio in 2004. It is this simple mythology that your side has created to offer as an excuse for defeat. It is foolish. That you cling to such things is good news for my side. It causes you to not focus on things that might actually improve your position.

This great nation is completely dependant on the robust debate between two healthy political parties. (The founders carefully constructed an environment where a multi party system would not likely evolve. See Italy and Spain as evidence of this folly.) Perhaps you have yet to notice, but your side is losing. You have provided two presidents since the election of Johnson in 1964. One could make a rational argument that one of those Presidents, Carter, was a country reacting to Watergate. This argument would be difficult to refute. You'll recall that the Republican candidate pardoned Nixon. You have lost the Senate and the House of Representatives. You have lost governorships in a majority of states that you once held in a death grip. The Democratic party was once the proud home of Pittsburgh and Birmingham steelworkers and New York City firefighters. It is now the home of George Soros, Cher, Ted Kennedy, Maxine Watters, Cynthia McKinney, Al Franken et al. Yet all you can muster are these pathetic myths that you lean on. Look inwardly to the language you employ. Halliburton, Bushitler, Nazis, Fascism and on and on. If your side ever had anything serious to say, it would be lost in this background noise of nonsense. Your party is fundamentally broken. It has retreated to tiny red islands. It offers nothing. No ideas. No leadership. No vision. Nothing! Leave social security alone. Don't make eye contact with the terrorists. Corporations are evil. Coexist. It's all our fault. We are too arrogant. We had it coming. Nothing! !

If you are a serious man, your efforts would be more wisely spent in introspection. Fix what is broken. We will not do it for you. You are not an enemy. America needs both of our sides. When you find the folly on that side has become unbearable, you will be welcome here.

Pax tecum.


I love it when asshole northerners bloviate about southern politics.
If what you allege is true, it wouldn't have taken so long for these southern states to get Republican governors for the first time in decades, almost a cuntury and a half in several states. If what you allege is true, Mississippi and Louisiana would have had Republican governors a long time ago.

Fact is, the "Democrats", by words and by deeds, are far more racist than any Republican could ever hope to be if he wanted to. One can look at post-Katrina New Orleans to see the blatant failure of liberalism and the oh so subtle racism of the "Democrats". If what liberals claim is true, there would have been ZERO poverty in Louisiana and New Orleans should have been a shining example of prosperity for the rest of the world to follow.
We'll have to save Louisiana/"Democrat" corruption for another day. Huey "Share Our Wealth" Long was dyed in the wool Democrat.


Dear TGC -
I'm a pretty un-experienced blogger, but there might be some advice that I could give you.
An evening with Jack or Evan is great fun, but not great for blogging
It is not a "cuntury and a half" since the passage of the civil rights legislation of 1964.
Your reference to the poverty in Louisiana is equally silly. Because a bad outcome occurred on someone's watch,little is proven. The Republicans have contolled the White House for most of the last half century - are they to blame for Osama, for Chavez?
Huey Long died in 1935. FDR called him of he most dangerous men in the county.
It is quite different from the way that the evangelical right deals with the Phelps operation,

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