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December 19, 2005


Mark Scherzer

You may be partially right that some Jews do not want to rock the boat in a way that might undercut prosecution of a war that is in Israel's interest, but that would only apply to a small slice of American Jews. I think most AJs oppose the Iraq war vigorously even though Israel supports it, because they see it as bad for American interests and they are Americans as much as they are Jews.

I think you may be discounting the degree to which AJs now feel completely safe and at home in the American political order, and in fact feel comfortable ignoring the War on Christmas campaign because it is so obviously fringe and has so little traction. The holiday war has already been won by the secularizers and universalisers, and the campaign to restore the Christian-ness of Christmas is unquestionably a lost cause.

AJs may be deluded -- remember how German the German Jews felt in the 1930s -- but why waste energy on a battle you've so completely won?


Classic liberal tactic from the old playbook.
Cover your ass by projecting onto conservatives. Give us a break. We know how much liberals hate "Neocons", which is liberal speak for "dirty Jew bastard". Just like how liberals have the audacity to assert that Republicans hate blacks even though history shows that "Democrats" have always opposed blacks while Republicans stadnd up for them.

Nice try, but people are smarter than that. You're too transparent.

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