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« Talking Back | Main | Lessons from Alito »

October 30, 2005



So true about Brooks. I'm surprised that the media isn't focused on the question of why Libby perjured himself. He's a smart operator. He had to know that he'd get busted, both by people in the White House and by reporters when Fitzgerald came knocking.

Could it be that the Cheney White House made a calculated decision that perjury was the lesser of two evils? After all if he told the truth, he stood a good chance of being convicted of outing a CIA agent. Very bad in right wing think. (And progressive think too: altogether bad.) But if he lied, there was a chance that he might get away with it and if not, there was a chance the Fitzgerald would validate the interest of the law by getting him on perjury and obstruction of justice rather than on the more difficult to prove agent-outing charge. That would be preferred because perjury etc. is just a "technicality" to the wing nuts--unless of course it's Bill Clinton doing the lying.

Was Scooter between a rock and a hard place? Will he plead and take one for the team? Will he be pardoned in 08? Does he already have a job lined up at Carlyle?
To be continued:

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