On Eschaton this morning, Atrios argued that "Times Select", the new program by the NY Times to charge web users who want to read Times Columnists on the net, would probably fail. Atrios very might well be the smartest and fairest blogger out there. He makes a good argument that in large part the importance of the editorials and columnists at the Times is enhanced by the fact that so many people read them. By limiting access, his thesis is that the Times will only render the opinion pieces less influential.
I think that he very well might be correct. Following that analysis, he posted Paul Krugman's op-ed piece from today's paper. One of the commenters in the thread asked if there is some way to get Frank Rich's work for free as well. I am mentioning this because I fear that we Bloggers may be harming the very institutions that need strengthening.
A lot of posters on left wing blogs quite correctly complain about failures in the MSM. Often this is directed squarely at the WaPo and the NYT. Yet these are arguably the best of the big guys. We need them to hire, and pay, the next Paul Krugman or Frank Rich. But we don't think we should buy the papers.
It doesn't sound like a great plan to me.