One observation that's been made about the current Republican party that merits repeating is that there is no room for Conservatives in the Tentlet. They always go right to the edge, and then keep on going.
A classic example of chutzpah is of the child who, after shooting his own parents, asks for pity from the court because he's now an orphan. The current administration would add to the story by asking how in the world could anyone have expected the kid to know he would become an orphan if he killed his parents.
Republicans constantly talk about how inefficient and incompetent government is. They claim that government is the problem, not the solution. In today's NY Times, their right wing columnist Tierney gloats that after Katrina, polls show people trusting the government even less than before.
In a way it makes sense. A government that cannot get enough gas to Texas to facilitate an anticipated evacuation should not be trusted. Anyone who thinks that experience running a horse show is a good qualification for running FEMA cannot be trusted. Any government that would ask who would have expected the levee to break in a category 4 hurricane, after that government has been repeated advised that this is exactly what would happen, should not only not be trusted; they should be locked up
Of course, he forgets to mention. Who is it that can't be trusted? Last time I looked there was a Republican White House, a Republican Congress and a Republican Supreme Court.
They destroy the federal government's ability to perform, and then condemn its performance. Chutzpah they got. Compassion they don't.