As readers of this blog's previous posts know, I have been afraid for some time that Katrina would morph into the angel that saves the Bush Presidency. Little did I know that people whom I thought were good liberals would volunteer to help perform the miracle.
In her understandable dismay at what has occurred in her home town, Donna Brazile seems to have lost her capacity for critical thought. Following W's speech on Thursday, she wrote to the Washington Post. In that piece, she concludes that we are all one big family. Yes, she is a part of the Bush family. ( If she were to visit 'Bar's' Kennebunkeport estate, in what quarter does she think she'd be housed?) The normally reliable Joe Conason seems to think that Bush has become a liberal. In Salon on the 16th, he does say that Bush will continue to be incompetent and corrupt, but he also found Bush's comments on racism "refreshing." He likened Bush's call for "bold action" to somthing that might have been said by "FDR, JFK or LBJ." On the 15th in Slate, John Dickerson mentions that while "Katrina is his disaster", it is "also his chance."
The fact that Republicans are willing to spend money (see previous post) and that they are capable of fine rhetoric should not be a surprise. But somehow, someway, it still is. The right will always spend whatever it costs to get re-elected. In a time of war and looming deficts please think of the Highway Bill, of the Energy Bill. The right will always say whatever is required to get elected. The same guy who called for "bold action" promised "no child would be left behind." After overseeing a shockingly corrupt and incompetent occupation of Iraq, L. Paul Bremer was awarded the nation's highest medal. You can be sure they are polishing Karl Rove's as you read this.
Because this massive spending is going to take place in our back yard, we should expect a smoother job. After all the Bushies must have learned something in Iraq - at least about controlling the narrative. We are about to witness the triumph of neo-con ideas. The recovery of NOLA will be due to entrepreneurs working with less regulation. (minimum wage laws, EPA rules, OSHA rules are already being changed along the gulf) New Orleans will "rise again" because Bush's theories of unfettered capitalism will have been allowed to take root.
The left cannot be fooled again. We must expect months in which fawning over the great accomplishments of Bush's "compassionate, caring restoration" dominates the news cycle. Bush appointed the cynical, political Rove; not a disaster relief professional to handle this cataclysm. The left must find ways to stop the spin now if we are to have any chance in 2006. When even savvy insiders like Brazile "sign up" to work with Bush, we're in trouble.